Monday, July 16, 2007

Big hands and pot sizes in poker games

Here's the lede on an Ed Miller post.
Big hands deserve big pots. It’s a fundamental no-limit concept.

What nonsense. It's not only not a poker concept (it's a bumper sticker phrase) it's not even true.

Inanimate objects don't deserve anything. And you don't deserve anything at the poker table by virtue of having some particular combination of inanimate objects in your hand.

When you have a hand that has a very high probability of winning (which is actually not what many players mean by big hand) then you want to get as much other people's money in the pot as you can.

I guess that's what he means. And if he was selling bumper stickers instead of giving poker advice then the phrase he uses would be okay. Maybe that't it. Maybe he is selling bumper stickers. Bumper stickers probably have a pretty big market.

I guess I'm just being mean this morning.

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Blogger JacquesWerth said...

I was a poker pro in the 1950's.

When I got out of the game I went into industrial sales and used poker strategies to become highly successful.

My book, "High Probability Sellig" was published and it is a perennial best seller.

Our sales tecnology is based on the game theory of 7-card stud.

8:51 AM  
Blogger Dr Zen said...

You have a downer on Ed, Gary. He gets his concepts across. You have a drier writing style (you both need a decent editor, actually) but his concepts are more easily digested than yours.

12:11 AM  

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